EV Conversions

Frequently Asked Questions

The short answer is Yes. We can convert almost any vehicle to EV.


The cost varies depending on what you are looking for from your conversion. Our full service conversions start at $30K and go up from there. If you are willing to do some of the work yourself you can certainly reduce that cost.


From the start of your project, a conversion takes 3-6 months depending on complexity.


Yes. Our full service conversions come with a 1 year warranty. Individual components may be warrantied for longer (new components).


Range can vary based on the vehicle choice and the battery pack size. We typically build conversions with at least 100 miles of range. We can almost always add range to your conversion, but range is the largest driver in determining cost.

We can make a conversion completely reversible. However, we strive to balance this and the labor cost – if this is important to you let us know.

We are happy to work with you, however anything you ask us to do has to adhere to our safety standards.

How do I get started with my conversion?

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